What services does Creative Consumer Research provide?

Creative Consumer Research offers services designed to yield a wealth of information that helps clients better serve their customers as well as create products, services, and marketing campaigns that broaden customer bases and help maintain a competitive edge. Creative Consumer Research’s comprehensive services aim to focus on strategic issues and generate solutions for businesses large and small.

Market research services at CCR.

Know What People are Looking for

How does a company determine what their current and potential customers are looking for? They conduct quality market research! One benefit of quality market research is a data-supported understanding of what potential customers are looking for. This can be achieved with a variety of market research services, including online research, non-intrusive phone surveys, focus groups, and in-person interviews.

Get Clear Insight with Quality Market Research

Our market research services benefit companies and consumers alike, allowing each business to deliver a more clear and personalized message to their prospective customers, while also giving them the tools to ensure that their products and services match the needs and desires of their target market.

We help businesses thoroughly understand what consumers really want and need through qualitative and quantitative methods, including the following.

  • Telephone studies
  • Focus groups
  • Mall and in-store intercepts
  • Taste tests
  • Ethnography studies
  • Mystery shops

Bilingual Market Research Services

We offer a full line of Spanish-language marketing research services. We are staffed by approximately 20 experienced bilingual market researchers, including managers, supervisors, interviewers, and survey editors. All of our bilingual staff is fluent in both written and spoken Spanish and English.

Creative Consumer Research Can Help

To find out more about our market research services, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.