What can Creative Consumer Research focus groups do for me?

Focus group client facilities.

Know What Consumers are Looking For

We help businesses thoroughly understand what consumers really want and need through focus groups. Focus groups hold the purpose of helping one find out about consumer and competitor habits. Through focus groups, you get in depth feedback.

Creative Consumer Research Focus Group Facilities

We have four focus group rooms and a large multi-purpose room. Each room is equipped with a floor-to-ceiling one-way mirror for unobstructed viewing.

Focus groups may be conducted as round table discussions, or rooms may be set up in classroom style for mock juries, music tests, taste tests, and product evaluations.

Clear-Cut Focus Group Results

Clients have the option to observe simultaneous sessions via closed circuit video from their primary viewing room and are provided a flash drive with the audio and video files prior to leaving the facility. With each focus group room, clients may observe participants in the following ways.

  • Adjacent client rooms through the one-way mirror
  • Spacious separate conference room with video and audio feeds
  • Remotely, using third-party vendors such as FocusVision

Upon request, focus group facilities can be equipped with laptop computers for online study completion. This service can connect to surveys hosted by Creative Consumer Research, or directly to the client’s network. For specialized study requirements, our multi-purpose room is equipped with an overhead door to allow for displaying large items or equipment for consumer evaluation. Our staff is consistently available to guide respondents through the study process.

Creative Consumer Research Can Help

To find out more about our market research services, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.